Tuesday, March 15, 2011

memorable pangkor island trip

this trip to pangkor island is really a memorable trip for me!!
not only travel and i learn so many different skill of photography from the boss from the pangkor silverbeach brother and also known as my teacher( sifu)..j=kok lai, haha!! really appreciate to him that told me so many about his experience about photography skill=)

next a fantastic speed boat trip around the island from the second brother ..kok soon
not forget while playing the banana boat and also the scary burger..hahha
while playing burger i was so scare until i fell into the deep sea, and the life jacket save me..haha
thanks to kok soon that pull me back from the sea=)

Monday, October 11, 2010

101010..JMJM day=)

VIP talent search...is a meaningful&memorable day for me..thx to all my dear Jefferd..melissa..jayson~i'm so proud of all my dear u guys r the best..u all is apart of my life..without u all i'm nt perfect..i love the day we play 2gether...practice 2gether..go eat 2gether..shopping 2gether..gym 2gether& oso laugh 2gether...VIP talent search, we won the champion..this is the result tht we all hardworking 2gether..we will have more chances to play&performe 2gether...i love u all forever my dear jefferd..jayson..melissa & all vip talent house de people~

Monday, August 23, 2010

TaleNt CourSe=) dancing class


when we having dancing class!!!!

Sunday..星期日我们就只有舞蹈课。当天一早Edict 就到我家去载我,一路上我们有说有笑..哈哈之后呢Edict 带我们到学院附近的咖啡厅去吃早餐。店名是HOMETOWN HAINAN CAFE。。在那继续聊天而且我们聊得都是八卦哈哈,之后接到哥哥Jefferd的电话说肚子饿了还问我们在哪里呢。。但到最后她们都没有来。时间紧迫我们要迟到了,就快快的吃完然后便离开了。。而且要非常感谢EDICT 他有请我吃东西。。=)
一路上我们都在聊着八卦,还看见Jayson的车。。然后EDICT 就说幸好我们不是最后的,还有人垫底,真是笑死我了!!去到那我们便开始准备上课咯。。
开始我们先warm up...然后呢就做stretching,两人一组而且还要一男一女,我呢就和Jayson一组但才刚开始他就在那又喊又叫的因为太痛了。然后我们便调换组员,我呢换取和Jefferd一组,他还帮Jayson&Melissa 去了一个称号《生孩子二人组》哈哈~之后呢我们有做滚动...跳跃...的动作~看见大家和我一样痛苦有难堪的表情,真是要了我们半条人命...haiz~休息一阵子后我们便继续连手臂的力,一辆支1.5liter 的水瓶装满水来双手举起真的是累死我了。大家的样子也开始变累了~
到了最后一个环节,就是个人的舞技表演,每一个人都准备了一首歌来表演~当中有精彩的,马虎的,没准备好的,也有好笑的~哈哈。当Jayson表演时那含情脉脉的样子真哈小,连瑞敏也受不了,到了最后一位rainy他竟然表演MJbeat it真的是笑死我们大家了,Jefferd好吓到流泪呢。。haha
最后呢就到了今天的主角EDICT的拍照时间了,因为他就快离开我们大家到NEW ZEALAND 去工作了。大家都应该很舍不得EDICT吧~当然我也是=(...我们大家都和edict拍了一张合照,之后呢就来了3张全体照。。有正经的,搞笑的,和耍酷的~ha ha
之后就放学回家咯。。跟她们大家挥手说再见后,我就乘EDICT的车回家咯~一路上呢我们有说有笑,还有关于他要去纽西兰的东西,他很伟大为了家庭到那么远的地方去工作,我以你为荣哦EDICT希望他到那边开开心心,顺顺利利~在欢笑和愉快的笑声中,又到我家了,跟edict 道别后也和他说一声谢谢你~你是我生命值那个永远的好朋友。。EDICT..=)

Monday, August 16, 2010

VIP TalenT HousE 2..=)

The 2nd week at VIP talent house..in the morning Edict come fetch me..then we go lrt fetch hann lim..the 1st class is image class, our teacher is jimmy he is very good and very funny. the 1st he teach us alots of basic things that good for our image de..then he call us to wear wht we wear to shopping for the nxt class...the most funny in the class is when jimmy ask wht timothy wear,n edict told him timothy is a jewerry designer,he hampir pengsan haha...he told timothy he muz change his style next week n edict oos cal him 2 cut his hair,if nt haiz.......this is the most funny class...wakaka..XD

nxt vocal class..wee help us warm up 1st then we will sing our own choosen song one by one to see whr is our mistake...bt nxt week need to sing a fast song n need 2 add in movement and expression..haiz die lor~he oso told us alots of technique on singing

after calss ,me,edict,melissa&hann lim go makan..thx edict for belanja me makan ..hehe
4 of us also talk ppl 八卦。。haha,very funny bt so bad la 4 of us..then edict fetch me home and we chat..chat until reach my home..hehe..very happy saturday..=) ..thx edict

Sunday..the morning waiting edict at bus stop, suddenly receive his call..he sick de cnt come fetch me..i call edict to rest then i rush to the class..bt i was late i missed the public speaking class..haiz is ok nvm la~

then dancing class, 1st alice told us some basic things in dancing,like definition and the type of dance,and the dance tht we going to learn is contemporary dance..nxt warm up..stretching..wow wan die de all of our expression very 痛苦。。haha the 1st time saw different expression in the class...then turning and jumping..then cool down and stertching...oh very tired class bt i learn alots of thing and very happy.......XD

Thursday, August 12, 2010

VIP TalenT HousE

7-8-2010 是我和朋友们到凯旋艺家上课的第一天~我非常的期待。。当天很早起,和妹妹一起搭火车到 kelana jaya,然后呢我的朋友Edict 就来载我们。。第一堂课是introduction,凯旋艺佳的院长elva和我们介绍有关的行程,然后我们大家还做了一个自我介绍让大家了解对方。

第一堂课:vocal class我们的老师wee=)
warm up 是每一次vocal class必备的,wee说我们每一次会用15分钟来warm up~当天我们每一个人都让他测试我们的音域,然后呢每人清唱一首歌让他了解我们适合什么~他也现场教了我们几首歌德正确唱法和歌唱的共鸣位置还有呼吸。。我们也必须为下个星期准备一首快和慢的歌。。在这一堂课我学习了很多~超开心=)


the second day我们的第一堂课public speaking。老师金龙

第二堂又是acting class

在这两天我要感谢 Edict 他到我家去载我还请我喝茶。。非常谢谢你哦~

Thursday, July 22, 2010


接下来我的好朋友ongang hui teng 也发烧,咳嗽。。看见她很辛苦但我却帮不了她!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oo nite 2010~❤

花了近两个月来筹备的Oo nite 就将结束了。。真的很舍不得哦!!Oo nite 是我进学院以来最认真去办的event~我很高兴能成为这event的一份子 。参加了这个活动我学会了很多东西,也认识了很多新朋友~懂得如何跟别人沟通,也比以前更大胆了!!



筹备的同时,我看见了所有人不同的一面。。忍着,紧张,愤怒,关心,伤心,压力,开心,幸福..等等!!每一个人的喜怒哀乐都很自然的浮现在脸上!!大家都为了这一个event花尽了心思,把他们的精神,心思和时间 都花在了这event 的身上。。大家都很认真哦!!

到了actual nite 的那一天,我们一大清早就到college hall ,大家一起来一个拜拜气球一切顺利!!化妆,头发一切搞定之后。。我们的event 离开始的时间越来越近了大家都在为这一切准备,我真的很期待。。直到开始,见大家惊讶的表情,我真的很高兴,因为大家都很喜欢!!roxy star rock the night..wohoo 还有所有的finalist 都为了他们自己而奋斗和努力。她们真的长大了很多很多。当晚的评审兼表演嘉宾 eddie lai 赖勇霖,苏盈之 soo wincci, 和 v 都很棒~经过数小时比赛终于到了尾声了我们的冠军也都诞生了,他们就是soo 以及 angella!!恭喜他们~之后呢我们说有的人一起来大合照。。很多人就在这时候哭了,因为finalist们的mv 正在播放着,真的和感动!!哭得最厉害的非我哥哥jefferd,jacklyn,和ching su 莫属了!!哈哈。。大家当晚都高兴得不亦乐乎!!就是将Oo nite 就此画上了一个很大的句号,成功的圆满落幕!!最后我想告诉大家,Oo nite u are the best..I love u,我爱你,aku cinta padamu~